“I only eat once a day. Why can’t I lose weight?”
A common myth involving weight loss is that starving your body will force it to lose weight. This idea is based on wishful thinking rather than a basic understanding of how your body functions.
Metabolism, from the Greek, means “changeable." The body’s metabolism is the process that changes the food that is eaten into chemicals that are transported into the cells. Digestion requires energy. The less you eat, the less energy and calories your body expends. Your body uses fewer calories to maintain the basic functions of your systems. Fewer calories burned make it harder to lose weight.
Eating regular healthy meals and a daily exercise program are the keys to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Information to help you get started on a healthier meal plan and an exercise program is only a click away at www.ChooseMyPlate.gov. The website offers personalized eating plans with interactive tools to help you plan/assess your food choices as well as physical activity information.
Click on the Weight Management link at the top of the page. The first step is to track what you eat and drink in the Super Tracker, listed under What You Currently Eat and Drink. The Super Tracker helps you with a personalized nutrition and physical activity plan. Check out the tips to help with your choices.
You can also use the Daily Food Plan, listed under What To Eat and Drink. Just follow the web site directions – enter your age, sex, height, weight, and activity level in the Daily Food Plan entry box.
If you are not within your healthy weight range, the Plan lets you choose an option to move gradually to a healthier weight. This option provides 200 to 400 calories less per day than the average calorie needs to maintain your weight. Once you have entered your information and picked the "move toward a healthier weight" option, you will get a plan with your calorie limits and the amounts to eat and drink from each food group every day. Following this plan can help you gradually lose weight.
The human body is a brilliant, complex living machine that operates twenty-four hours a day without taking a break. A lack of knowledge will hinder the function of this beautiful machine.
Understanding your body will help you achieve the ultimate goal, good health.
Want to join an exercise program or find classes on nutrition and healthy eating? Find one in an Oasis city near you.
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