The news coming out of Washington and Wall Street these days is certainly troubling. One way or another, big cuts are coming in the federal budget, and tighter restrictions on programs like Medicare are probably inevitable. At the same time, the lack of a clear strategy regarding our nation’s debt has sent stocks tumbling, further eating into the life savings of many individuals and families.
While the average person is limited in what he or she can do to correct this political situation — at least until the next election — there is one thing you can do to minimize the potential costs that may one day show up on your doorstep.
Citing government statistics, the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care notes that “For people who reported that they were in poor health, average annual Medicare spending was more than six times higher than for those who said they were in excellent health in 2005.” That may not seem important as long as the government is paying most of the cost. But if those costs get shifted to consumers,it will create serious financial challenges for many in poor health.
What can you do? Make a commitment now to stay as healthy as possible.
To help encourage that, the Oasis Institute has partnered with the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation to promote ways that people can achieve a healthy weight through energy balance–calories in and calories out.
Are you dealing with an ongoing health condition? A free Better Choices, Better Health online workshop can help you get the support you need and find practical ways to deal with conditions like diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease or chronic pain.
Each year, Oasis provides hundreds of educational programs, exercise classes and other wellness activities for adults age 50 and older. Many are tailored to participants’ individual needs and level of fitness. All are designed to help you stay healthier now and for the long haul.
Rather than sit in front of the television and stress out about Capitol Hill, why not enroll in a Gentle Pilates or Sit Stretch and Spin class? Or sign up to learn more about bone density, heart disease or diabetes. Or check out the Healthy Weight Commitment website for articles on energy balance. Better yet, learn how to cook healthy meals that taste great and are a lot easier to digest than the nightly news.
To learn more, visit our health programs page.
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