Oasis Blog
Getting on stage for the first time
An Actors Studio workshop offered by the Pacific Region Oasis in Los Angeles gave Elizabeth McClodden an opportunity to give the stage a try.
Protect yourself and others from financial exploitation
As the world celebrates the 10th World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15th, it’s a great time to reflect on what we all can do to prevent financial exploitation.
What’s next for the Oasis website
Oasis participants have given us lots of feedback - both positive and constructive - on ways we can continue to improve the online class registration process. Here's a summary of planned changes and an opportunity to help with testing.
How do you add meaning to your Memorial Day celebration?
Memorial Day is a chance to relax and enjoy time with family and friends, but many use the day to honor those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. How do you add meaning to your Memorial Day celebration?
Oasis and RSVP: a natural connection
May 18 - 22 is National Senior Corps Week, an opportunity to salute RSVP volunteers, like Phyllis Wuertz, who believes that children still treasure simple joy of hearing stories read to them.
Planning for a meaningful Memorial Day
Allie Cooper reminds us that Memorial Day should include some reflection and activities that honor those who have served our country.
Turning into our mothers might be a good thing!
Are you starting to sound like your mother? It’s certainly possible. As you celebrate Mother’s Day, identify some of your “mom” favorites and pass them along!
What’s the best advice your mother gave you?
With Mother's Day around the corner, we'd love to hear your story. You can chime in through our new social community.
May is Older Americans Month
The Older Americans Act was passed the same year as Medicare. Over time, the Act has provided a nationwide aging services network and funding that helps older adults live with dignity in the communities of their choice for as long as possible.
Astrazeneca Healthcare Foundation Awards $223,501 Grant To Oasis Institute To Improve Heart Health
The AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation’s Connections for Cardiovascular HealthSM program is awarding a grant of $223,501 to Oasis Institute to support its Get Pumped! program, which works to improve cardiovascular health in the community.
Our new website is a community work in progress
The site is the product of 17 months of effort by volunteers and staff. Here are some of the big changes you’ll see.
Who was Rosie the Riveter?
Rosie the Riveter is a national icon representing the patriotism that was an integral part of what was happening on the U.S. homefront during World War II. But just who was that woman in the red polka dot bandana?