Oasis Blog
Federal Grants Enable Preventive Health Programs to Reach More Older Missourians
Oasis, the Missouri Association of Area Agencies on Aging and the Curators of the University of Missouri will reach more older adults throughout Missouri with support from the Administration for Community Living (ACL).
Celebrating a milestone birthday with 50 acts of kindness
By turning a milestone birthday into of day of impacting others, celebrating takes on new life.
Oasis Connections Wins Awards in 2018 National Mature Media Awards Program
Oasis received two awards: a Gold Award for the Connections technology literacy program and Silver Award for iPhone Essentials, a resource made available to participants of the program.
The Oasis Institute Reaches GuideStar Platinum
The Oasis Institute is proud to share key metrics to give donors and funders a transparent way to evaluate program effectiveness and impact.
Lifelong learning programs offer solution to social isolation
Guest blogger Linda E. Maurice of the Lifelong Learning Institute shares observations about the importance of lifelong learning for older adults seeking purpose and companionship.
New Research Shows Diabetes Self-Management Workshop Improves Health Outcomes and Saves $3 in Health Costs for Every $1 Spent
Arlington, VA (June 22, 2018) – Research published today
Oasis Receives $15,000 Grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation
A generous grant from The Dollar General Literacy Foundation will support expansion of the Oasis Intergenerational Tutoring Program.
Oasis and Anthem Foundation partner to help older adults reduce chronic disease risk
The Oasis Institute, a thought leader in healthy aging, and Anthem Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Anthem, Inc., continue their partnership to offer free classes to older adults through the Oasis Healthy Habits program.
Empowered older adults are asking themselves “What’s next?”
Oasis Institute President Paul Weiss says Oasis is leading the way to shift the narrative about older adults from a population in need of service to simply people who can be empowered to serve.
Giving the gift of Oasis
By establishing an educational endowment fund, Elinor Spring-Mills is sharing Oasis with others.
Making regular gifts to Oasis is as easy as signing up for classes
Every time she registers for classes at Indianapolis Oasis, Barbara Bluiett makes a registration gift. It's an easy way to remember to keep supporting a program she loves.
Good health, new friends among many benefits of lifelong learning
Research indicates that lifelong learning has a positive impact on all aspects of health, something Oasis participants already know.