Oasis Blog2022-07-27T14:45:26-05:00

Oasis Blog

Neutralizing the naysayers

Categories: Life after 50, Workforce|Tags: |

“Now you’ll see what the rest of us have been dealing with … let’s see how long you’ll be a confirmed practicing optimist now! … you’ve been living the high life, welcome to the real world!”
I could go on, but you get the idea of what I’ve been bombarded with since I informed some of the people in my small world about my impending job loss.

Social groups help in combatting social isolation

Categories: Lifelong learning, Volunteering|

Not long ago, one of our regular class participants, Liz Lippa came to Oasis after a rough weekend. Her son had a major heart attack and her cousin passed away. She was feeling low. “I just wanted to climb into bed and pull the covers over my head,” she said, but then she realized that what she really needed to do was to get out and talk. She got out of bed and headed to her St. Louis Oasis Women’s Roundtable group.

Every day is Mother’s Day!

Categories: Life after 50|Tags: , |

This year celebrates 100 years since Anna Jarvis was successful in her movement to make "Mother's Day" a recognized holiday in the United States. We were raised with our father telling us that “every day is Mother’s Day!"  He was instilling in us the importance of appreciating a stay-at-home mom raising eight daughters and five sons. He was teaching us to say thank you.

Finding your way back after a later-in-life job loss

Categories: Life after 50|

 We have been informed that you and your staff will not be a part of the new program as had been originally planned. As of July 1, 2014, your office and positions will be dissolved”…
Anyone ever heard something like this before? Mary Calhoun found herself in a situation that many older workers have experienced. For her, putting on a positive attitude was key for moving forward.

Discovering the desire to learn something new

Categories: Lifelong learning|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

... Tom had discovered the ukulele tucked away on a shelf in the corner of the musty barn and in that serendipitous moment had discovered within him a desire to make music.
Learning to play a musical instrument not only inspires your creative soul but also is an entertaining way to unwind after a hectic day. What instrument should you play?

How do you decide to support a non-profit?

Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: , , , , , |

Mail just isn’t what it used to be. Remember the days when people actually sent letters to each other? Now the mailbox is filled with junk mail and bills. Just in the past week, I’ve received dozens of letters from nonprofits. Each is worthy of support and I want to contribute and often do what I can. But how do you decide which organizations to commit to?

The case for lifelong learning

Categories: Lifelong learning|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Lifelong learning has been a regular part of my vocabulary for a long time. In reality, it starts from the time we enter the world, evolving as we grow. From learning how to feed ourselves, to how to read, to how to drive ... well, you get the picture. What are you doing to learn now?

How do you discover life after 50?

Categories: Lifelong learning|Tags: , , , , |

We’re proud to offer educational opportunities that help people get the most out of life. And there’s a gold mine of knowledge, talent and passion among our volunteers, instructors and supporters. This is a place to share that knowledge. And that’s where you can help! Interested in being a guest blogger for Oasis?

It’s Giving Tuesday!

Categories: Philanthropy|Tags: |

Today, we celebrate the second annual #GivingTuesday, a day that is set aside for us all to come together and reach beyond ourselves: to reach out into our communities and shift our focus from “me” to “we.”  After a weekend dominated by the retail industry, the Tuesday following Thanksgiving is now what we know as #GivingTuesday. So how does #GivingTuesday impact our lives?


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