Technology problem solving is a sweet spot for Connections instructor Wally Canis.
“I love getting someone started and helping them increase their understanding of devices and technology. They are so appreciative,” he says.
Wally’s problem-solving skills come from a long and distinguished career in IT and his “the machine-never-wins” attitude. The last 10 years at IBM, before retirement, he was on a team that developed the initial Cloud Computing technology and implemented its first use in very large environments such as the Department of Defense, global banks, and universities.
Once Wally retired, he started looking for volunteering opportunities that would put a different twist on his 36 year career in computer technology but it was a challenge to find the right fit. His wife Janet kept encouraging him knowing that it was essential for Wally to get out of the house and have a purpose. After discovering Oasis Connections, Wally was able to jump back into his true calling, his mission– teaching various digital literacy classes, providing computer and network technical support, and working with a team in Oasis Connections to share his expertise.
Last year his expert eye spotted ways to improve technology systems for the Oasis Institute, earning him a new role as volunteer IT support. He’s managed many projects from start to finish, making the systems across the national network work more efficiently.
But since a talented IT guy’s work is never done, in 2014 Wally also authored and teaches a Cloud computing class, oversees maintenance of both St. Louis Oasis computer labs and provides walk in computer assistance to the public “Ask the Techie” in Crestview Wednesday mornings.
As we celebrate National Volunteer Week, we celebrate Wally and the dozens of others who give their time and talents to make Oasis impactful in the lives of adults 50+. Oasis Connections is made possible with funding from AT&T Foundation.
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