There are plenty of easy ways to steer clear of foods with too much salt, sugar and fat.
About those labels
Those nutrition labels might be hard to read, but it's worth learning how to decipher what they mean.
For some, our best happens after 50!
Poet Max Ehrmann's most successful works were written after he was retired.
Grandma was a “model” citizen
A look into the past reveals secrets worth exploring.
Being SMART about fitness plan makes success attainable
When starting a new exercise routine, it's a good idea to take a serious look at your goals and your definition of success.
Deciding you are going to make healthy changes is the first step
The best way to get started with living a more healthy lifestyle is to be intentional.
Taking a step back in time is a great reason and way to learn technology
Looking into your ancestry is even more fun and effective with technology.
Deciding you are going to make healthy changes is the first step
The best way to get started with living a more healthy lifestyle is to be intentional.
Healthy habits are CATCH-ing
Adults 50+ have many competing interests and demands on their time. Many are seeking volunteer opportunities that are the right fit, and they’re taking steps to create or maintain a healthy lifestyle. Is it possible to do both? All at once? The answer is YES.
Bread baked the old-fashioned way is worth the wait
Who doesn't like fresh baked bread? Whether baked from scratch or crafted with a little help from the store, nothing brings people around the kitchen better than a loaf of hot bread.