Take charge of your health and schedule necessary screenings today.
Power walking that exercises the body and the mind
Power walking doesn't have to take place on a track or in the mall. For one Oasis group, the walking is simply a good way to explore.
Social engagement: a key to successful aging
The Oasis mission to promote successful aging remains crucial to to our country, as the number of adults age 65 and older increases dramatically over the next 20 years.
The Gift of Christmas
One of the best gifts we can give our grown children is the chance to create holiday traditions with their own families.
Volunteering can be the gift of a lifetime
In the season of giving, the most valuable gift might be your time and your talents.
Generation gaps can get in the way of valuable common ground
Generation gaps often get in the way of good conversation in the workplace and families, but it doesn't have to be this way.
Is it time for a screening?
One of the best ways to detect colorectal cancer is to have regular screenings.
Popcorn and pics
Silver Screen Series founder Lynn F. Hamilton recommends the film Harold and Maude for a refreshing perspective on aging and joyful living.
Medicare open enrollment
Last-minute help for Medicare Open Enrollment is available.
New tool makes dining out the healthy way easier
Staying healthy while dining out is possible with new tool.