Eating healthy and delicious

By |2014-07-14T00:00:00-05:00July 14th, 2014|Health|

Gram always said, “If you have your health, you have everything.” Good health is the cornerstone on which to build your life’s goals and dreams. Whether your goals include a new career or a trip to an exotic locale, you will need the energy and focus that healthy eating provides, like this summer favorite, Spicy Fruit Salsa.

Five things I’ve learned while bike riding this summer

By |2014-07-14T00:00:00-05:00July 14th, 2014|Bicycling, Health|

Like most kids, when I was growing up I rode my bike almost daily. Then my teenage years happened, and the bicycle lost all its luster and charm to the freedom of my first car. But all of that changed last summer when I bought a used bike at a garage sale for next to nothing. I’ve been off peddling and exploring, learning more about my neighborhood every day.

Gluten-free shopping

By |2014-07-08T00:00:00-05:00July 8th, 2014|Health, Savvy Living|

Gluten FreeEven if you or someone you know does not suffer from a gluten allergy, if you have paid attention to the media lately or visited your local grocery store, there is a very good chance you have heard the expression “gluten-free.” Living with Celiac's disease, I have been gluten-free since long before it became a diet fad.

Stress may be inevitable, but it’s manageable

By |2014-06-25T00:00:00-05:00June 25th, 2014|Health|

We deserve to feel good about ourselves emotionally, mentally and physically. Turning to food in times of stress is a bad habit many people have, so making the decision to develop a positive one to replace it is a start. Beginning with baby steps and developing stress reduction techniques can help you achieve a more peaceful perspective on life.

Knowing heart disease risk factors and options for modifying can help reduce worries

By |2014-06-16T00:00:00-05:00June 16th, 2014|Health|

Sierra’s father had just returned home after several weeks in the hospital. He had suffered a major heart attack and complications. "Family history" and "genetic predisposition," expressions used by the doctor, were keeping Sierra awake at night. Genetics cannot be altered, but she can reduce her risks through lifestyle changes or medications.

Want to improve your brain health and memory? Try juggling!

By |2014-06-10T00:00:00-05:00June 10th, 2014|Health, Lifelong learning|

Woman JugglingJuggling is not just entertaining, its exercise for the brain and body. Researchers have found links between learning to juggle and an increase in the grey matter in the brain. Twenty percent of the oxygen taken in by the body goes to the brain and 95% of that oxygen goes into grey matter.

The power of positive thinking

By |2014-06-02T00:00:00-05:00June 2nd, 2014|Health|

“Only those who have mastered the art of happiness can prosper and progress. The happy spirit sees no obstacles, is not blinded by gloom, and invokes the strength and ambition that surmounts all difficulties and gains success.”
If you are not a natural positive thinker, how do you begin to develop the ability?

Skipping breakfast? That’s one way to become “hangry”

By |2014-05-27T00:00:00-05:00May 27th, 2014|Health|

One habit that causes bad food choices is skipping meals, particularly breakfast. The human body needs energy and nutrients to start the day, which makes breakfast the most important meal of the day. Don't let your mind overrule your body’s common sense. Experience the bounty of life when you use your brainpower, fueled by breakfast, to make simple yet effective lifestyle changes.


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