Take a stand to prevent falls
An Oasis Better Balance class helped Lin Dempsey prepare to enjoy the challenge of an African safari. Exercise is important to prevent falls wherever you go.
By Oasis Institute Webmaster|2020-02-06T17:28:10-05:00September 14th, 2015|Health, National, St. Louis shared|
An Oasis Better Balance class helped Lin Dempsey prepare to enjoy the challenge of an African safari. Exercise is important to prevent falls wherever you go.
By Oasis Institute Webmaster|2020-02-06T17:36:14-05:00September 4th, 2015|Indianapolis shared, National, Tutoring, Volunteering|
Third grade was a turnaround year for Marquis. With help from his Oasis tutor Flora Bryant, he improved his reading scores dramatically. Flora is pleased, but not surprised.
By Oasis Institute Webmaster|2020-02-06T17:42:48-05:00September 2nd, 2015|Jobs, Life after 50, Lifelong learning, National, Technology, Workforce|
Older workers need to understand and embrace a new language--the language of technology--to be successful in today’s job market. Oasis Connections can help.
By Oasis Institute Webmaster|2020-02-06T17:49:34-05:00August 27th, 2015|CATCH Healthy Habits, Health, National, Volunteering, Workforce|
Debbie Schirmer explains how being CATCH Healthy Habits volunteers as part of the work day turned out to be a healthy treat for her and other Maritz employees.
By Oasis Institute Webmaster|2020-02-06T17:59:58-05:00August 25th, 2015|Life after 50, Lifelong learning, National|
Maturity and Its Muse Executive Director Lynn Hamilton previews four films to be featured in the 2015 Silver Screen Series. These films explore the challenges and joys of aging.
By Oasis Institute Webmaster|2020-02-06T19:21:01-05:00August 19th, 2015|Health, Lifelong learning, National, Volunteering|
The idea of changing our exercise or eating habits can be overwhelming. Genetra Bowser enjoys helping others find motivation to get started by leading Healthy Habits for Adults classes.
By Oasis Institute Webmaster|2020-02-06T18:07:24-05:00August 19th, 2015|Meet our tutors STL, National, Tutoring, Volunteering|
Bill Kasalko never considered volunteering as a tutor, but when a friend suggested it, he gave it a try. After his first year, he’s glad he did.
By Oasis Institute Webmaster|2020-02-06T19:25:35-05:00August 7th, 2015|Life after 50, National, Savvy Living|
Eighty years ago, FDR signed the Social Security Act into law. Understanding the complexities of the program can be tricky, but the best place to start is knowing a little history.
By Oasis Institute Webmaster|2020-02-06T19:31:11-05:00August 6th, 2015|Health, Life after 50, National|
For anyone who needs a jump start and encouragement to keep the momentum, there are some great tools available with Go4Life. Find out how to get started today!
By Oasis Institute Webmaster|2020-02-06T19:40:49-05:00August 5th, 2015|Health, Life after 50, National|
As we age, our vision changes, but vision loss is not a normal part of aging. Many eye diseases have no symptoms. Regular exams are the best way to detect conditions that can impair your sight.