Fourth of July and tomato pie

By |2014-07-03T00:00:00-05:00July 3rd, 2014|Life after 50, National|

Fourth of July is the time for two of our favorite family traditions—patriotic music and home grown tomato pie. Want to share in our traditions? Read on for the secret tomato pie recipe back on Mother’s Day weekend when I planted our garden. As for our love affair with patriotic songs, that started back in the 70s.

Are we talking about my retirement expectations or yours?

By |2014-06-30T00:00:00-05:00June 30th, 2014|Workforce|

I'm being blasted from colleagues and friends as “jumping ship” prematurely into retirement because I’m not using some pre-packaged presumed assumption of how I will be living my life when I retire from my current career job. Whose retirement is this, anyway?

Stress may be inevitable, but it’s manageable

By |2014-06-25T00:00:00-05:00June 25th, 2014|Health|

We deserve to feel good about ourselves emotionally, mentally and physically. Turning to food in times of stress is a bad habit many people have, so making the decision to develop a positive one to replace it is a start. Beginning with baby steps and developing stress reduction techniques can help you achieve a more peaceful perspective on life.

Surviving the realities of job hunting

By |2014-06-25T00:00:00-05:00June 25th, 2014|Workforce|

In these past few weeks, I have gone through an ego-bruising crash-course in job hunting 2014, and it has not been pretty.Today’s info-tech-centric culture means the job-hunting process has morphed into an endless series of click, select, edit, scan, download, save and submit buttons.

Becoming a parent at (almost) 50

By |2014-06-20T00:00:00-05:00June 20th, 2014|Life after 50|

I became a new parent twice last year for the first time. Did I defy nature and give birth two times in one year? No. I officially became a parent for the first time to my darling 9 year-old twin stepsons when I married the love of my life; and a second time when I became my father's primary caregiver.

Knowing heart disease risk factors and options for modifying can help reduce worries

By |2014-06-16T00:00:00-05:00June 16th, 2014|Health|

Sierra’s father had just returned home after several weeks in the hospital. He had suffered a major heart attack and complications. "Family history" and "genetic predisposition," expressions used by the doctor, were keeping Sierra awake at night. Genetics cannot be altered, but she can reduce her risks through lifestyle changes or medications.

The nest is empty … now what?

By |2014-06-13T00:00:00-05:00June 13th, 2014|Life after 50|

I feel old. Not only did I turn 50 years old last month, but my youngest son graduated from high school and is heading out of state to start college. For the first time in 21 years, I will not have any children at home. I feel that time is moving too fast and I want to yell at it to slow down. Sound familiar?

How well did I know my dad?

By |2014-06-13T00:00:00-05:00June 13th, 2014|Life after 50|

My father, Daniel Jenerson III, died September 19, 1992. At his funeral I was surprised to hear from neighborhood families about how he helped them in their time of need…diapers when their children were born…food when there was none…helping with auto repair costs. Who was this man they were talking about?


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