Fitness isn't just for athletes. We all have a reason to be physically fit.
Celebrating a 50th college reunion with a memorable keepsake
When Julie Blow volunteered to create a memory book for her 50th reunion memory book she beefed up her skills in research, visual design and applications to tell the story of her classmates.
Fats and Salts and Sugars, Oh My!
There are plenty of easy ways to steer clear of foods with too much salt, sugar and fat.
Fats and Salts and Sugars, Oh My!
There are plenty of easy ways to steer clear of foods with too much salt, sugar and fat.
About those labels
Those nutrition labels might be hard to read, but it's worth learning how to decipher what they mean.
For some, our best happens after 50!
Poet Max Ehrmann's most successful works were written after he was retired.
Grandma was a “model” citizen
A look into the past reveals secrets worth exploring.
Being SMART about fitness plan makes success attainable
When starting a new exercise routine, it's a good idea to take a serious look at your goals and your definition of success.
Healthy eating is actually a great deal
Many people think that eating healthy is just too expensive, but with a little planning, it's possible.
Children bring home what they learn
The Oasis CATCH Healthy Habits program has benefits for volunteers 50+, children, and yes, their parents, too!